Mulago Vocational Training Centre is a Catholic founded school of Mulago Catholic Church (Our Lady Help of the Sick). The school was founded primarily to aid the vulnerable girl child by the Spiritan Fathers. The school accommodates girls and boys as well as teenage mothers and adults especially the less privileged/ marginalized with an aim of equipping them with hands on skills to enable them have a means of survival. The school was fully registered with Ministry of Education and Sports in 2003, classified as a Vocational Training School, mixed and day. Registration number: PVS/M/165
Courses Offered
Catering and Hotel Management
Tailoring and Sewing
Hair Dressing and Beauty
Metal Fabrication and Welding
Vision, Mission and Goal
Our Mission:
To reach out and provide quality skills to the less privileged and the marginalized youth in society.
Our Vision:
To spear head in giving quality vocational education that can compete in the contemporary society.
Our Goal:
To produce skilled young people that can be self-supportive.
Course Target Group
Mulago Vocational Training Centre mainly offers skills to the less privileged and marginalized youth who include:-
School dropouts at all levels like primary or secondary due to various reasons
Child mothers due to early/ teenage pregnancies
The poor students whose parents cannot afford school fees to higher institutions of learning.
Those with disabilities like the deaf and the mentally handicapped but are able to get some skills.
It has been noticed that the biggest percentage of these categories cannot afford to pay the fees yet they need these skills.
Training Center Challenges
The school has various challenges that range from equipment, financial needs and space.

⦁ Electronic Sewing machines
⦁ Knitting machines
⦁ Finishing machines
⦁ Ironing boxes

We lack:-
- Hair driers
- Hand driers
- Sinks
We lack the following equipment
- Ovens
- Mixing machines
- Slicing machines
- Deep fryers
- Food warmers
- Sauce pans for cooking
- Dinner plates
- Tea cups/ mugs
- Side plates
- Serving dishes
- Cutlery (forks, spoons, table knives and ledos)
- Service trays
- Outside kitchen (a simple aerated shade)
We lack a computer Lab.
We lack the following equipment
- Printer/ Photocopying machine
- Computers
- Painting
- Renovations/ Sealing
Suggested Way Forward/Solutions
- Tailoring and Sewing
- Uniform making for schools and companies
- Metal Fabrication & Welding
- Window and door frames
- Hair Dressing & Beauty
- Outside and surrounding customers
- Catering & Hotel Management
- Outside catering
- Cakes
- Food deliveries to offices
- Other snacks